
Tommi graduated with a Master’s in software development in 1997. The Tampere job centre recommended that he should call Patria’s branch in Halli. That was the beginning of his career at Patria.

“In July that same year, I started working at the IT department of Finavitec – now the Aviation business unit – as a substitute for someone who was on maternity leave. I’ve been with the Group ever since. Though not as a maternity leave substitute – that kid must be in working life by now, too,” says Tommi.

Tani is now working in the Systems business unit. He has served in numerous roles at Patria. “When I started out, my duties ranged from customer support to coding a help application.”

Tommi later became an IT Coordinator, engineering the first steps of the Group’s joint ICT functions, which finally evolved into the Patria Group’s centralised ICT Management function. His work included a variety of deployment and change projects. He then worked in roles such as an infrastructure and data protection architect.

In practice, my whole career to that point had involved ICT management-related tasks. I started thinking that I should do something else for a change. I found a new position in the Group’s Systems business unit, which focuses on intelligence, monitoring and command systems.”

These days, Tommi’s typical workday involves a variety of analysis and implementation tasks as well as customer meetings. He is typically on board several projects at the same time, which means that good time management and prioritisation skills are important in his work. He also has to be prepared to continuously learn new things and apply them in practice.

“I’ve been with Patria during practically its entire existence and seen how it has changed.” Tani is particularly satisfied with managerial activities and HR management. “And I’ve got nothing to complain about in terms of opportunities to get the job done, considering that we work closely with the authorities,” he says.

Tani has this to say to those interested in Patria as an employer: “Patria offers plenty of different opportunities for both experts and managers. At Patria, it’s enjoyable to work with other experts.”