eALLIANCE - For more secure societies

Patria-led eALLIANCE programme, partly funded by Business Finland, will amplify collaboration with the Finnish civilian and defence sector companies. The aim is to develop disruptive digital capabilities for enhanced data sharing and prosessing as well as building a holistic metaverse.
The mission of eALLIANCE is to integrate disruptive digital solutions across civil, security and defence technologies for ensuring more secure societies. eALLIANCE will improve the possibilities of the Finnish companies to enter international defence markets and strengthen their opportunities for international export.

The ecosystem will bring together companies and SMEs in developing innovative digital solutions for defence and dual-use applications. Also the leading Finnish research organizations, universities and other industry collaboration organizations have a key role in the ecosystem.
Contact information: eAlliance @patriagroup.com

eALLIANCE key objectives
- Bring forth a digital systems-of-systems concept that enables tailored solutions, integrating emerging and disruptive technologies with existing solutions.
- Introduce ways to increase the sustainability of military platforms by introducing new digital solutions, simulation environment and vehicle performance & usage optimization methods.
- Provide a unique ecosystem for creating digital platforms enabling agile digital integration of multiple mobility solutions on both civil industries and the defence sector - a first of its kind in Finland and internationally.
- Promote Finnish state-of-the-art knowhow and result-oriented
approach for international defence exports. - Introduce innovative SMEs to the defence sector and defence projects, which are traditionally difficult to enter from the outside.