Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Patria Oyj consists of a chairman and a minimum of three and a maximum of seven other members. The General Meeting of Shareholders elects the chairman, and the other Board members and decides on their remuneration. The Board members are elected for one year at a time, their terms of office ending at the close of the first Annual General Meeting held subsequent to their election.
Group Management Team
Patria's Group Management Team convenes monthly and consists of Presidents of eachbusiness function, Chief Financial Officer, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, and Chief Human Resources Officer. In addition, the Group management meets in other combinations as and when necessary for management purposes.
Consultative Committee
According to the Articles of Association, Patria shall have a Consultative Committee appointed by the General Meeting. The Consultative Committee consists of a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a maximum of ten other members. The Board of Directors shall consult the Consultative Committee on matters that concern any major changes or expansion of operations or any other material changes to the company’s organisation or business operations, or which are otherwise of great importance to the industry that the company is engaged in, either in Finland or internationally.