As from the beginning of 2022, corporate responsibility is directed by the ESG Steering Group, which is coordinated by the General Counsel. In addition to the General Counsel, the members of the group are the heads of HR, finance and QEHS and a communications representative. Patria also has ESG working groups specialising in the environment, compliance, finance, procurement and well-being at work.
In 2021, Patria’s General Counsel also served as Chief Compliance Officer. As from the beginning of 2022, this work will be handled by the Head of Compliance, who reports to the General Counsel and is responsible for matters related to compliance and ethics (incl. anti-corruption work).
Annual General Meeting
- The Annual General Meeting is the highest organ of the company. It comfirms Patria's corporate responsibility activities.
Board of Directors
- In accordance with the Government’s decision-in-principle of 8 April 2020, the Board of Directors is responsible for organising corporate responsibility and integrating it with the company's strategy.
- The Board of Directors confirms the Group's ethical practices and monitors their implementation.
- The Audit Committee oversees compliance and issues related to corporate ethics.
Group Management Team
- Under the leadership of the President and CEO, the Group Management Team prepares Patria’s strategy and the integration of corporate responsibility within the strategy.
- The Group Management Team approves the themes and goals of corporate responsibility and monitors the achievement of the related objectives.
- GMT nominates a ESG Steering Team, which steers the ESG Working Group.
ESG Steering Team
- The ESG Steering Team consists of CLO (Chairman of the team), CFO, CHRO, VP/QEHS and VP, Communications and has its meetings quarterly.
- The key tasks are guiding, defining ESG principles and objectives, monitoring annual planning and progress as well as ensuring resourcing.
- The team reports ESG progress annually in GMT.
ESG Working Groups
- The ESG working groups (5) are forming cross-functional entity: 1) Environment 2) Compliance, Ethics and Governance 3) Financial Performance and Tax 4) Procurement and 5) Occupational wellbeing.
- The working groups is responsible for preparing and maintaining the Group level ESG programme, road map and annual plan with key activities and reporting to the ESG Steering Team.
- The working groups are responsible for the coordination of the annual ESG reports
Corporate responsibility forms an integral part of the work and duties of each Patria employee.
Guidelines related to Corporate Responsibility are available in Patria's Integrated Management System and they are reviewed annually.
Objectives and indicators