Patria SIGMA and SIGMA Light - The underwater measurement range for signature information supremacy

Patria SIGMA and Patria SIGMA Light are advanced underwater measurement systems designed to capture the signature of vessel in high detail while it passes by the system. Both systems contain a bottom-deployed sensor track that measures magnetic, electric, pressure and acoustic signals of the vessel in real-time. The tracks fully support permanent installation as well as portable operations.  The design of Patria SIGMA Light is weight- and length-optimized for fast deployment with a small boat, while Patria SIGMA has longer sensor track that extends the signature measurement further in the spatial domain. 

Patria SIGMA includes an equipment for deploying, recovering and calibration as well as onshore measurement station. The 41m sensor track can be connected to the measurement station with a single power/data cable. The station itself is hardened and can be extended to contain up to 3 sensor tracks. The measurement station contains applications for sensor track calibration, measurement campaign planning and execution. For that, a comprehensive set of tools and views are available for monitoring and validating the measurements as well as for analysing the measurements in the collected signature database. 

Patria SIGMA Light contains the foldable 6.5m sensor track, a battery, local data storage and recovering system. All these components locate on the sea bottom during the measurement campaign without any physical components on surface or interfaces to other systems. The recovery of the system is carried out from the boat without divers. Patria SIGMA Light is supplied with a rugged laptop and a data analysis application. The data can also be exported from laptop and stored into Patria SIGMA measurement station. 


Patria SIGMA key features 

  • Measures signature of underwater and surface vessels in very high detail 
  • Sensitive acoustic, pressure, magnetic and electric field sensors on 41m track 
  • Fixed and portable solution available 
  • Automatic adaptation to seafloor geometry 
  • Maximum sea cable length 4500 m 
  • Comprehensive tools for signature analysis in an onshore measurement station 
  • Database for vessel signatures 

Patria SIGMA Light key features 

  • Measures signature of underwater and surface vessels in high detail 
  • Lightweight and foldable 6.5m track 
  • Transportable with small boat and installable in one hour 
  • Standalone data collection 
  • Data analysis application in rugged laptop 
  • Data can be exported to Patria SIGMA measurement station for further analysis