Patria’s Aerostructures Business Unit is on board for a formula racing car project involving students from Aalto University. Strong expertise in composites is needed, since the team is aiming for success in an international competition.

Text: Matti Remes

Photos: Markus Pentikäinen

Hannu Olenius, Engineering Manager in Patria’s Aerostructures Business Unit, gave a talk on the manufacture of composite materials and their use in aircraft and vehicles.

The team needs expertise in composites

The formula team was founded by fourth-year mechanical engineering student, Niki Vihtola, who is also on the association's Board of Directors. He says that the aim is to bring together Aalto students from a range of disciplines to design and build an electric racing car. Vihtola is delighted that an expert in the sector like Patria joined the sponsors. "We had already progressed far with the design of the frame when we began cooperating with Patria. We need expertise in areas such as parts for the frame and improving the aerodynamics.” Vihtola says that the students also plan to participate in formula races in the coming years. “The chassis has to be designed year by year, and Patria’s expertise will be of assistance in this,” says Vihtola.

The Aalto formula team has discussed the development of cars with other teams participating in the international competition. Vihtolola points out that everyone regards the manufacture of composite vehicle parts as highly challenging. “With Patria’s expertise, we can learn how to make better use of materials, which will hopefully give us a technical edge over our competitors. “With Patria’s expertise, we can learn how to make better use of materials, which will hopefully give us a technical edge over our competitors.

Students interested in working for Patria

Hannu Olenius explains that, after the lecture on composites, Patria will be involved in mentoring the formula team and will arrange workshops on issues such as manufacturing techniques and the selection of composite materials. "The cooperation is also beneficial to Patria, as this is a good way to make the group known as a potential future employer," says Olenius. The fact that a large number of future engineers gathered around Olenius after the lecture tells us a great deal about the level of interest among students. Most of their questions were related to the job opportunities offered by Patria.

"The students were most interested in summer jobs. It was also great to hear some students asking about overseas opportunities to study composites, in preparation for applying to work for us afterwards,” says Olenius.