Internship in Patria’s Aviation business unit’s diesel engine unit in Linnavuori, Finland, has given Pierre Biousse, a French student, an in-depth and broad understanding of engine maintenance.
Who are you and where are you from?
I am Pierre Biousse, I am 22 years old. I am a French apprentice working for EDF for three years on diesel engine maintenance in nuclear power plants. In parallel of my work at EDF, I have been at the university in Lyon for five years where I will graduate my engineering degree in September 2017.
How did you end up being an intern at Engines unit, and how long will you stay?
To complete my engineering degree, I have to do a mission with a company in a foreign country. Patria is one of the main supplier for EDF Diesel maintenance. It was an evidence for me that working with Patria might help me to acquire new knowledge and skills on engine maintenance. My manager at EDF was also enthusiastic about this issue that could reinforce the link between EDF and Patria. Patria has shared this idea and accepted to host me as a trainee for two months.
What kind of tasks have you had and will still have?
I have been working in the Diesel workshop where I had the opportunity to work daily on Engine maintenance with passionate people, which impressed me by with their knowledge on Diesel life cycle management. Thanks to the numerous engines in progress, I have been able to see each stages of engine re-qualification: From the reception to the test bench through the expertise of the parts and the reassembly of the components.
What skills or knowledge have you learned that you will use in the future?
By this internship, I had the opportunity to discover the functioning of a maintenance workshop. Thanks to the expertise of Patria workers, I acquired new skills on mechanics, maintenance and diesel manufacturing. Mainly, this training allows me to have a real experience in the field that seems to me essential for my future work.
What will you do after your internship has ended?
After graduating my engineering degree, I will do a one-year master of strategic and business organization. This master will allow me to broaden my skills and have a better understanding of the functioning of a company globally.
What kind of an experience has the internship been for you?
Working for Patria has been a wonderful experience. I would like to thank warmly the people with whom I have had the opportunity to work: for their integration and the time, they have devoted to me to learn about engines.
Type-rated engineer Anita Korsberg has been mentoring Pierre.
”Pierre’s internship has been a new way of cooperation between Patria and Electricité de France (EDF). He has been very helpful in development of documentation and communication even in this short time he has worked with us. It has been a pleasure to see how well he has adapted himself to the repair shop. A genuine enthusiasm and interest have helped us through some minor barriers we have faced, one of them the language”, Korsberg says.
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