Patria and BAE Systems have submitted a bid for the Australian Army’s Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle (CRV) program, 225 vehicles in seven role variants based on a combat proven vehicle platform and weapon system, providing an excellent match for the Army’s mounted combat reconnaissance requirements.

Photos: Patria, Jacek Matuszak

The solution combines Patria’s AMV vehicle and BAE Systems Hägglunds’ E35 turret systems, with BAE Systems Australia’s local presence throughout the country, along with its production and service capabilities, and deep experience of systems integration. “It’s not just the product, it’s the complete Team. We have all the pieces in place – a great product with superior capabilities, a long history in developing and providing industry leading solutions to different customers, and existing cooperation and relationships. Together we can provide substantially more than any of us alone,” says Janne Räkköläinen, Vice President, Sales at Patria’s Land business unit. In the Land 400 Phase 2 program, the existing Australian Light Armored Vehicles (ASLAV) will be replaced with new armoured reconnaissance vehicles. In the future, the program will include tracked combat vehicles to replace the M113 AS4 fleet and other supporting systems.

A strong partnership

In September 2014, Patria and BAE Systems Australia announced a teaming agreement to participate in tendering for the Australian Army’s Land 400 Phase 2 program for Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles. BAE Systems Australia is the prime contractor and system integrator in the program, while Patria is responsible for the vehicle platform and BAE Systems Hägglunds provides the E35 turreted weapon systems. In September 2015 as a result of highly successful close cooperation the companies submitted their bid offering the AMV35 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle to the Land 400 program. Janne Räkköläinen continues: “BAE Systems Australia has the local engineering, manufacturing and support capabilities, and access to global expertise that makes it an ideal partner to offer the Patria AMV onto the Australian market. We have cooperated with BAE Systems Hägglunds since the AMOS project and Finnish Defence Forces acquisition of CV90 tracked vehicles, and we have an existing joint venture manufacturing and marketing AMOS 120mm turreted mortar systems. Together we can provide a low risk vehicle solution for the Australian Army and their needs now and in the future.” The companies have had extensive cooperation which continues with high speed. “There has been a nice flavor of Australian accent in the corridors here in Hämeenlinna, and for sure we have provided a taste of Finnish culture and mentality in Australia. We are continuing the work and preparations together as a strong team.”

Rosomak securing polish peacekeepers in Afganistan.

A great product

BAE Systems’ and Patria’s vehicle solution for the Australian Army is called AMV35, which combines Patria’s Armoured Modular Vehicle (AMV) and BAE Systems Hägglunds’ E35 turret system. Both are qualified and in service with NATO nations. “The AMV35-vehicle offers a very strong solution with extraordinary operational performance in various situations and threats. Its protection, firepower, and mobility are superior,” says Mika Kari, President of Patria’s Land business unit. Patria AMV has been selected by seven nations with approx. 1400 contracted vehicles in various different versions and it has attained a strong combat reputation, mainly based on the strength of its operational performance e.g. in Afghanistan. It is in daily use in different and often demanding environments and it is integrated with different weapon systems – from 7,62mm up to 120mm turreted mortar system -, battle management systems, and situational awareness systems. Kari Grön, Vice President, product line, states: “easy integration and utilization of different subsystems has been one driver in the design strategy of AMV, as well as modularity for different versions and roles.” The BAE Systems Hägglunds manned turret system is fitted to the successful CV90 family of infantry fighting vehicles operated by five nations. It has been used in crisis management and combat missions across the globe, including Afghanistan. The unique features of the E35 turret provide the AMV35 with real battlefield advantage for Australian soldiers through game changing levels of accuracy and weight of fire. “AMV35 is a good example of Nordic defence cooperation, based on existing relationships and outstanding products, providing a step change in capability and performance as a great product,” Mika Kari points out.

Ready with AMV35

“Existing vehicle variants – such as IFV, APC, Ambulance, Repair, Recovery – and a number of weapon systems in use by different customers give a proven excellent performance that suits the Land 400 program requirement. This heritage coupled with a strong track record of successful technology transfer is what makes this team and product solution so strong. We are committed to work together throughout the expected 30+ year life of vehicles, and to provide the best product, service and support for the Australian user,” states Ian Smith, Head of Land Systems, BAE Systems Australia. The team is continuing cooperation and preparations for the next phase, and is looking forward to being given the chance to demonstrate the excellent capabilities of the vehicle systems and team’s performance. According to information from the Australian program office, teams selected to participate in risk mitigation activities for Land 400 phase 2 will be announced in 2016 Q1. “We continue working together as one team in numerous fields to develop and secure our common solution. We do have very close dialogue and solid plans on how to proceed. As I said – we have all the pieces in place, and we are ready with AMV35 and the total vehicle system solution if selected to the next phase,” Janne Räkköläinen adds.